‎ pfp


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‎ pfp
The internet was always meant to to be peer-to-peer. The FAANGs took advantage of an initially clunky UX and sabotaged that design. Ethereum is re-instating it.
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‎ pfp
Ethereum is essentially a realisation of Vint Cerf and co.s’ ideal vision of the internet, augmenting their design with crucial payment and security systems to make it truly global and decentralised.
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‎ pfp
Chinese EVs are going to play a big role in motoring in the near-future
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‎ pfp
Whilst fictional, this book presents the most plausible account I’ve read of possible events leading to a war between the USA & China. The role of India as peacemaker and ultimate beneficiary seems particularly prescient: 2034: A Novel of the Next World War by Elliot Ackerman and James G. Stavridis
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‎ pfp
In light of recent political events in the US that dramatically increase surveillance, get more familiar with privacy preserving technology as a countermeasure. Here are a few apps I recommend: https://app.zkbob.com/ https://www.railway.xyz/ https://whirlprivacy.io/ https://www.fluidkey.com/
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‎ pfp
In crypto, April Fool's Day jokes are much harder to distinguish from the real thing.
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‎ pfp
This article belongs in the Ethereum & Crypto canon!
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‎ pfp
This "True South" flag, proposed in 2018 and supported by many the preferred flag of Antarctica, bears an uncanny resemblance to Ethereum's iconography (developed several years prior). Can anyone involved in the later process shed further light on this subject?
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‎ pfp
I feel like The Daily Gwei / Refuel needs its own emoji (to add to one's profile as demonstrated) with ⛽️ seemingly the obvious choice. Thoughts?
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‎ pfp
A thread of some of my favourite Futurist quotes: "“We have no future because our present is too volatile. We have only risk management. The spinning of the given moment's scenarios. Pattern recognition.” ― William Gibson, Pattern Recognition (which I really liked, even it if lacked a resolution) 1/3
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‎ pfp
One of the scarcest, most valuable assets in crypto is patience.
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‎ pfp
Might an AMM-style DEX for ENS names, that addresses their relative illiquidity, be a possibility in the future?
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‎ pfp
My partner bought 69k $DOGE back '17 in an attempt to de-autise me using memes. After making nearly one-hundred thousand dollars, however, he ended up becoming autistic as well. Now he's asking me to buy him $100 worth of $DEGEN on Valentines day which I've promptly done ❤️
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‎ pfp
The Refuel looks much nicer with Warpcast's purple in the background vs X's black
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‎ pfp
Now, go back to X (*still* known as Twitter b/c people keep adding “formerly known as Twitter”) & click on a pic. Nothing. No Frames. No Points. No Gainz. Closest you’ll get to owning anything is right-click saving a JPEG. You could *lose* your NFTs though, via X’s myriad ‘Claim Airdrop’ phishing links.
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‎ pfp
Two more canonical Futurist texts, frequently cited in crypto, include: Howe, N., and Strauss, W. (1992). 'Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069'. Howe, N., and Strauss, W. (2019). 'The Fourth Turning: What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny'.
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‎ pfp
Crypto commentators with a futurist bent: @balajis.eth @olaf @avsa @cdixon.eth @ricburton @trustlessstate @0xstark @trent Please add names I have missed
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‎ pfp
In the on-boarding process I've started calling Layer 2s "Ethereum Clients" and this appears to make the most sense people.
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‎ pfp
This USDC.e ≠≠ USDC is a user-experience 🄵 please make it stop
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‎ pfp
Another title I somehow neglected to mention: The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the transition to the information age - James Dale Davidson and Lord Reeg-Mogg This is one the most commonly cited texts and a personal favourite for Futurists in crypto like myself
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