Altman 100 pfp

Altman 100


23 Following

Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
Claim is LIVE! $LIME Token @limeonbase for holders $degen $virtual $clanker $tn100x $BNKR $MOXIE and be part of the future 🚀
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
El miedo de no ser suficiente Durante mucho tiempo, luchĂ© con la sensaciĂłn de que no era suficiente. No lo suficientemente inteligente, fuerte o digno. Era una batalla silenciosa, una que nunca mencionaba porque admitirlo me hacĂ­a sentir que lo confirmaba. Me volvĂ­ un experto en ocultarlo: disfrazando la inseguridad con humor, restĂĄndole importancia a los elogios, evitando situaciones donde el fracaso era una posibilidad. Pero la verdad es que el silencio no hacĂ­a que desapareciera. Solo lo hacĂ­a mĂĄs fuerte. No hablamos lo suficiente sobre el peso de la duda. CĂłmo moldea nuestras decisiones, los sueños que abandonamos, las oportunidades que dejamos escapar. No hablamos sobre esa voz en nuestra cabeza que susurra: No eres lo bastante bueno, y lo fĂĄcil que es creerle. Pero hoy, elijo alzar la voz. Yo estoy alzando la voz. ÂżY tĂș?
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
I’ve always struggled with self-doubt. It wasn’t that I couldn’t do things. I just convinced myself I shouldn’t even try. I’d avoid challenges, make excuses, and stay in my comfort zone where failure couldn’t reach me. But then I thought to myself, my weakness isn’t my body, it’s that voice in my head telling me that I can’t. And maybe that was the real weakness all along, believing that I couldn’t.
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
A little beer time wouldn’t hurt anybody #beer
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
/aitookaphoto Dinner with the family.
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
ITAP of this amazimg art work at the New York City Museum. PURE ART
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
ITAP of apples Just apples, lol.😂
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
Gm @toadyhawk.eth. I would love to participate in the Yellowversary contest but I do not have an invite yet. I’d appreciate if you could send an invite. Thanks.
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
$Dolphin or nothing Let’s keep it pumping
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
$Dolphin is all I see!
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
Go get more $Dolphin $dolphin $dolphin $dolphin
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
It’s the $DOLPHIN season. 📈
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
ITAP The Star of the Wind Celebrating $Degen #ITAPRound12
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
#ITAP of my cat
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
Go get $Dolphin Let’s go!!!
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
0x8121bca21c9a973d5aDb89dFFc33F2564D2EA98c Gm @memeweclub Just got some $MWC token
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
I said YES to pushing my limits as a technical analyst, improving my strategies in Web3 to achieve financial consistency. By saying YES, I’m not just opening doors for myself but also creating pathways for others to grow and succeed. YES2 positivity, YES2 opportunities.
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Altman 100 pfp
Altman 100
/itapofmypet My joy giver 😍
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