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I think there are several aspects to that question.
First, I dont believe we'll reach this situation. Not happening today, won't be happening tomorrow.
But second, let's assume that AI would allow that situation to happen.
I think people intrinsically don't think in terms of basic needs met/not met, but compare themselves, and feel frustration if they think things are not right. If you look at yellow vest in France people for ex., these are people that could still have their basic needs met. They were workers, had a roof, a car, food on the table. It's just that they felt more and more squeezed, felt frustration that they couldnt buy a gift to their children on christmas, or go on vacation during summer, like everybody else (or so they think).
I think there's a certain level of satisfaction that would be an acceptable trade off to not participate in decisions, but this level is way beyond basic needs being made or not, and I don't see this global satisfaction level being reached under a capitalistic regime. 1 reply
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