noah pfp



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noah pfp
Rural life; a picture that people of the past were very familiar with, a picture they always saw. Ask your grandfathers, most of them have experienced living in these conditions.πŸ“·
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noah pfp
jungleπŸ§˜πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ my photo😬😬
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noah pfp
At first I thought plants were the most peaceful creatures on Earth and animals were wild, but now I'm sure there's nothing wilder than plants. No matter what's in front of them, they slowly destroy it. Be like a plant, slowly destroy the obstacles in front of you for success.
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noah pfp
Which of these places do you think would make you feel better? Nature with sun but a cool breeze? Or cloudy and humid?
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noah pfp
What does this house remind you of?
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noah pfp
My mom made this dessert, it's raspberry mousse, and she decorated it really beautifully.😬 What do you think of it? Do you guys also like to decorate your food?
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noah pfp
Oh, look! Only 1 week ago I discovered $FOMO by TOCD Studio(@tocd) and now they are listed on Coingecko. Guess where the price of $FOMO token will go? Did you earn $FOMO points for potential airdrop? Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance $FOMO to every wallet. $FOMO to $1
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noah pfp
One of the most mind-blowing movies I've ever seen is Dark. It played with the concept of time in such a way that it completely changed my perspective on it. I highly recommend it to everyone. What's the best movie you've ever seen?
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noah pfp
Nothing brings me as much peace as reading a book at night.πŸ§˜πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ I love to read as long as my eyes stay open.πŸ“š Reading gives me a sense of purpose, as if I'm only truly alive when I'm reading.πŸ“–πŸ‘“ "read book"
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noah pfp
one day in the gym is basically imperseivable. two days in the gym, you don't recognize any change whatsoever. 100 days in the gym?😏 you are almost a new person😈 "keep going"
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noah pfp
Watching the sunrise this early in the morning is truly beautiful. Even from the picture, I can feel the freshness and coolness of it. good morning my friendπŸ˜‰πŸŒ„
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noah pfp
What do you guys think about Nutella?🌰🍫 Do you love it too or are you one of those people who say it has too much artificial sugar and is bad for your health?πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‰
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noah pfp
I took these two photos one night apart, and you can see the difference in the color of the moon. πŸŒ•πŸŒ‘ The world is truly full of beauty, and I love the moon.
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noah pfp
I know I'm not the fastest runner, but I'm determined to finish the race. πŸ’ͺ It doesn't matter how fast I go, as long as I don't stop and keep going.😈
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noah pfp
Thank you so much, I really appreciate your frames and I use them all the time. I've saved them in my bookmarks. You're the best, Justin.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜
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noah pfp
Don't wake up in the morning and not know what you have to do. πŸ’€ Have a checklist, so you don't have to spend energy thinking what am I supposed to do today?✍️ You already know you planned it yesterday.πŸ“ now you can just get into action.πŸ’ͺ
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noah pfp
I brought you an awesome photo today. I think the editing turned out great.😬 As I said, if you have passion, you can turn an ordinary photo into something like this.🐈 I just started a few months ago and this is the result of my work because I'm passionate about it.πŸ˜‰ @tracingstories @alexmack @wanderloots.eth
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noah pfp
Here's my new edit that I'm really happy with. I wanted to share it with you and get your feedback.
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noah pfp
I am very interested in photography and editing. πŸ“· I like to change the mood of photos. 😬 What do you think of this photo?
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noah pfp
I absolutely love going for walks in the forest alone. Some people are afraid to do it, but I love it. It's the best feeling in the world.πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸž What do you think?
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