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Andrea 🎩 pfp
Andrea 🎩
My story in one cast: @esdotge.eth introduced me to Farcaster, invite-only then. I was clueless but the kindness amazed me. Won a FarCat from @0xen's meme contest, my first dopamine. It spiked my DEGEN airdrop points. Later, I sold it, reinvesting in liquidity mining, giving back to the community. We are so early.
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Ese(🎩. 🎩)☒️ pfp
Ese(🎩. 🎩)☒️
Gracias por compartir tu historia con nosotros!
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Ese(🎩. 🎩)☒️ pfp
Ese(🎩. 🎩)☒️
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