alex pfp
@df reading a thread like this doesn't work. I'm guessing you're aware but just in case you're not. Do you want feedback like this or nah?
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alex pfp
Seems main app suffers from the same actually haha farcaster://casts/0xf6b4ca32e48299a5ef1dc74ffc08e0a266cf2b16eeae31e07ff99768d9a8353b/0xf6b4ca32e48299a5ef1dc74ffc08e0a266cf2b16eeae31e07ff99768d9a8353b
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df pfp
feedback is very useful and Im happy to get it whichever way :). I‘m aware threads are not ideal as I‘ve run into a bunch of issues myself with them as well, but its good to know what to prioritize - theyre on my list. Any thread UX apps you like or more specific problem you are having with them would be helpful
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