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French authorities are forcing Pavel Durov's brother and Telegram's vice president to come to Paris. Their cooperation with the investigation may speed up the resolution of the situation with the Telegram founder. A representative of Pavel Durov's close entourage told us what pluses and minuses may turn out to be for Pavel's cooperation with the investigation, which he agreed to the other day. The first and most tangible thing is that Durov's judicial control may be softened. This means that Pavel can go to check in once a week instead of twice a week and even travel to other EU countries. The investigation of the Telegram founder's case may take at least a year. There is only one way to speed up the process: if other defendants in the case come to the Paris investigation and testify. We are talking about Pavel Durov's brother Nikolay and the company's vice president Ilya Perekopsky. Whether they will want to risk their freedom to speed up the investigation against Pashe is an open question.
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