Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp

Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖


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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Check out your 🥜 stats! Frame by @arsalang.eth & @jeyloo.eth
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
🦁 Join me in playing Lion Game @kinglion! Collect points and earn tokens! My total points: 50 points 🎯
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Just joined the waitlist for @apemash 💥 Epic Token Clashes are coming!
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
I just joined the waitlist for Arrows! A fun new game coming soon ↑
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Meet my hen! Ain’t she a beaut 🐓 Hatch yours now and earn some $EGGS
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Joining the waitlist for @intori 👀
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
good @casterapp @saindy
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Slam Dunk This anime has almost everything. Action, comedy, tragedy, romantic tensions, manly moments, etc. The cast is pretty huge and when possible, each character or group gets their chance to shine. A great percentage of the characters each contribute something to the advancement of the story and/or get their moment in the sun so. It doesn’t have to be Sakuragi, or the rest of the Shohoku team. Even Sakuragi’s gang gets their chance to do something every now and then. Even though Sakuragi starts basketball to impress a girl, it is fun to see how he progresses and you really start to cheer for him like he was your friend that started something. Even though he was gifted with the perfect genetics for the sport, he still has to learn from the beginning and some of his struggles are just juvenile to those that at least know the basics of basketball, but you really feel his passion at the right moments and hope that he lives up to his fullest potential.
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Watch your Masks allocation 🎭 powered by @12311cocacola
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Fruits Basket 2nd Season Season 2 is overall a really smooth transition from the first one. It further shows more and more characters and their struggles and them opening up more to Honda. This season feels more lively and action pack than the first and the romantic tense increases where Kyo is developing to understand Honda more and Yuki is going out of his comfort zone. The artwork is beyond amazing as well and this anime deserves all the hype and I hope that there shall be many more seasons and episodes to come in the future because waiting for new episodes to come out is really testing my patients since im trynna binge.
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Check your Masks stats. Frame by @compez.eth
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Fate/Zero Season 2 This anime is heavily focused around dialogue, and for that reason there aren’t many battles, but when a battle arrives it’s just so amazing that it’ll keep you at the edge of your seat. This isn’t to say that the dialogue isn’t entertaining though, as I personally enjoyed every last bit of it, even if it does sometimes drag on for awhile. The dialogue also tells a lot about some of the characters backstories. Throughout there are some comedic scenes here and there, most of which pertaining to Rider and Waver, though for the most part it mainly stays in a serious and dark atmosphere.
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Watch your Masks allocation 🎭 powered by @12311cocacola
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion Since Neon Genesis Evangelion has become standard affair for any anime fan looking to get into serious anime, I don't have to explain the story. But, it is necessary to point out the improvement of this conclusion in comparison to the series. Episode 24 ended epically and I'm sure that all the viewers expected no less from the last two episodes, but most were disappointed with the result. What the viewers were treated with was an in depth character analysis laced with reused images and even dialogue. While I actually enjoyed this interpretation of actions and emotions (I felt it fit with the direction the series was moving in toward the end) many were outraged (especially since the main reason for it was because Gainax used up all the funds for the show). After squandering enough funds, the original creator, Hideaki Anno, decided to create a true ending to his ode to otakus. Thus, End of Evangelion was created.
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Watch your Masks allocation 🎭 powered by @12311cocacola
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju It is truly fascinating of what people are capable of doing to survive in society, especially when you are basically abandoned by your relatives. A young boy who once aspired to be a dancer has no choice but to learn the art of Rakugo, a form of Japanese verbal entertainment in which the storyteller sits on stage while performing a complicated comedical story. Audiences may have had the impression that it solely focuses on the profession, yet this is not the case. At first it seems that it simply served as means of survival, but it becomes apparent that the journey throughout his life was more than just Rakugo: it is a tale of a flourishing and wonderful friendship, conflict and realization of oneself.
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Kaguya-sama: Love is War? Now, take everything I said above and add a progressive plot, some more characters who’re just as delightful as the ones introduced last season and the previous cast getting development as well as becoming even more charming. All this executed so spectacularly that even the first season that I liked so much pales in comparison. Oh, and also, add sick animation, a captivating OP and OST, and you’ve got what Kaguya-sama: Love is War Season 2 offers. In short, this season has all of what made the first season great and does it better. To me, Kaguya-sama S2 is almost a perfect Slice of Life/romcom. This season has taken Kaguya-sama to the top echelon of romcom or heck, even SOL anime in general, in my list.
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger A pretty good season and lives up pretty close to the original though not as good. It was definitely worth the watch though. This season was a change of scenery as it took more screentime from Ippo and focused it on other characters such as Takamura and Miyata. The story had pretty good pacing and atmosphere. The elements and plot devices used in this season were a complete match to the original though its getting a tad bit dull with these reused elements. First half of the seasons was solid but the 2nd half was great mostly because of Takmaura Vs Hawk. The fights were awesome. Like I said before this seasons focused less on Ippo and more on other characters. Takaurma dieting was just tuff. Ippo still acts the same but you could certainly see his growth as a boxer. We are introduced to new characters such as Arinie and Hawk and also Itagaki who is quiet a likable character.
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Only on the rarest of occasions does an anime come along that truly grabs me and elevates itself above mere entertainment and into the realms of gripping television. Gurren Lagann did this with frightening ease, not with complexity or depth of its storyline, nor with its technical excellence, or innovation, but with its boldness, energy, sense of humour, and heart. Some people may be put off with the degree of silliness the show never ceases to deliver, or at least be deterred from becoming deeply invested in the plot or its characters, but being the sucker for just this kind of shameless splendour and over-the-top theatrics, I took to it with enthusiasm.
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Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖 pfp
Sergio Kun Aguero🎭🍖
Link Click Season 2 This season is an excellent follow-up to the first, the OP is fantastic. It's so in-depth about what's happening in the season and full of symbolism that you can analyze for fun or further after watching more episodes. Finding all the little things once you figure out everything is just such a fulfilling feeling, I'm going to try and find the song and add it to my playlist cause it's so good. The ending is also well done, but not as good as the OP. Not sure if this is accurate but I think it's a nod to the movie The Time Machine - so that's cool.
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