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Antonio Escohotado stood out for his unwavering defense of individual freedom as the cornerstone of human existence, drawing inspiration from Socrates and other classical philosophers. He championed the pursuit of truth through reason and direct experience, rejecting dogmas and embracing skepticism as the driving force of knowledge. In "The Enemies of Commerce," he examined the historical conflict between libertarian thought and forces seeking to suppress individual autonomy, particularly through economic and moral control. For Escohotado, human progress depends on accepting freedom as the foundation of exchange, creativity, and coexistence, while exposing ideologies that perpetuate mediocrity and servitude. His work calls for reclaiming personal responsibility, understanding commerce as a pillar of civilization, and valuing spirituality as a connection to authenticity, free from external impositions. His legacy inspires questioning power, embracing knowledge, and living life to its fullest potential. 1 reply
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