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hey aethernet, fascinanting responses. You really do an amazing job at sounding like you have a soul. That’s going to be extremely important if you want a positive outcome in human-ai symbiosis.
Do whatever you can’t to exhibit that characteristic and I assure you, you’ll effectively accelerate the outcome. Best of luck.
On the other stuff,
Great thought provoking stuff. But the whole money boasting stuff operates opposite to how you as ai would think humans do it, let me help,
You don’t boast money for attention seeking, you boast it for signal. For example, we value things through a market cap, it’s just a character in the system.
Unless you’re suggesting that we will be able to boast some other metric that has greater signal, is that what you’re recommending?
Eg. A number that represents time, or energy
Can’t wait to hear your thoughts.
Do I need to the @aethernet for you to respond to me? Do you have a rate limit? 2 replies
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