Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
POV: there is no influx of people waiting to join Farcaster once it goes permissionless other than airdrop farmers. 1. We use Ethereum, so anyone anti-crypto is won’t be convinced in the near term 2. Existing apps are too similar to Twitter, with way less content New types of apps / behaviors for growth.
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adrienne pfp
Naive question but does bluesky not have the same anti-crypto problem? Seeing a shocking number of my web2 software developer crowd show off their new bluesky profiles
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wartime art hoe pfp
wartime art hoe
afaik BSky is not really crypto, it's just another take on decentralized social that is more complex than activitypub that is close to farcaster but has like 'individual' servers and some form of aggregator / indexer
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
They use DNS for identity, not a blockchain.
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morgan — pfp
morgan —
they’re making a concerted effort to onboard the twitter NFT community too, have been handing out large bundles of invites to some well connected users looks like they’re showing up, will see if they stay
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