Hey!🥰 Review: Anime series "Very Pleasant, God" (2012) - As a fan of the manga, I am satisfied. Pros: Romance, Japanese culture, beautiful graphics, interesting plot that makes you think. Cons: A few moments with unsuccessful drawing of human body proportions. I read the manga "Very Pleasant, God" a long time ago, back in my student years. I was young, emotional, in love, and dreamy. In short, the forbidden love with kami really appealed to me. The only pity is that the manga was dragged out and I couldn't read it to the end right away. I tried to watch the anime when it was first being drawn, but something didn't impress me. Either there were not enough details or the colors didn't appeal to me... I abandoned it, in short. But recently I returned to this animated series and you know what... It's not bad at all! What pleased me the most is that the main plot was not touched. Yes, in the anime they hardly touched on the topic of the relationship between the kaya-fish and the human, but I got over it.
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