ace pfp
why don’t people realize that raising wage is not the solution? businesses end up hiring less, and many end up going bankrupt.
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Est3la pfp
But it is ok then that CEOs and shareholders get raises. (They can increase price and reduce cost to make more profit, which to me is kind of getting a raise) ? 🙄😒
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ace pfp
and fyi - increasing price and reducing cost does not necessarily lead to more profit. 1. people buy less when the price rises. 2. the business stumbles/shuts down since it’s not making money. 3. everyone is let go. are you willing to double what you pay if that meant making them “feel” more valuable?
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Est3la pfp
If I can afford it, I’m ok paying more not to make them “feel”valuable but so that they can have better quality of life. I agree that better jobs need to be created but at the same time I think we need to rethink the construct that some jobs are more valuable than others.
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