Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp

Jason Delabays 🎩


131 Following

Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
Let’s go ETH Denver !! Wanna talk FHE? Come say hi
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
Frames in Gmail, WDYT? https://x.com/ycombinator/status/1760046755767542244?s=20
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
Je le repost en frame https://fc-polls.vercel.app/polls/cadde86e-d73b-4783-97f1-7bc3cea644d9
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
Si Vitalik devait franciser son nom il s’appellerait comment ? 1. Vincent Butelier 2. Victor Butionnier 3. Vivien Butinier 4. Valéry Butardier 5. Vianney Butellier 6. Virgile Butinard 7. Vincent Butinière 8. Vivien Butillon 9. Valentin Butellière 10. Véran Butinault
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
Jeton Couche 1 couche 2 Piece stable Mettre en jeu Mise en jeu liquide Remettre en jeu Regroupement à zéro connaissance Regroupement optimiste
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
There are many things you can hide in a blockchain transaction: sender, receiver and amount. - some project like @xmr can hide all of them - some projects like Tornado mix senders and receivers - some project like Stealth address protocol hide the receiver - with FHE on the fhEVM, we can hide the AMOUNTs
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
il ne semble pas encore y avoir nos chers amis de Crypto twitter FR, les Grand Angles, Raph Bloch, Greg Raymond, Hasheur, Alex Statch. Vous pensez qu'ils vont arriver quand ?
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
running @supercast
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
A warm Farcaster welcome to @genia!
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
Anyone know why Supercast is not mentioned on this page ? https://www.farcaster.xyz/apps
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
if you're here, you're based and early
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
maxi degen vibes here
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
I just joined the @deframe beta 🔳
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
Very naive question: can someone explain how @dwr.eth and @v expect to make money out of this fantastic Farcaster protocol? Ad system on Warpcast? Token launch once mature enough?
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
Quadrillions of assets will be tokenized in the next 20 years, and confidentiality will be a requirement for a part of it. FHE has a role to play in this along with all other PET: ZKP, MPC and TEEs
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
First time in Eth Denver this year. If you want to discuss FHE (fully homomorphic encryption) and how it will bring confidentiality to tokenized assets, please contact me.
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
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Jason Delabays 🎩 pfp
Jason Delabays 🎩
A warm Farcaster welcome to @immortofu!
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