Aadarsha Kaini
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Aadarsha Kaini
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Aadarsha Kaini
Really new to crypto. Had been trying to get a hold of the sol atmosphere but have failed miserably. I do an analysis and invest on a project. It pumps… and then dumps. I hold it for some days and then sell it at 70-90% loss. Then after a few days it pumps back to half a mill mcap. Had two occasions like this in a week. :(
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Aadarsha Kaini
The amount of corruption in my home country has become so severe nowadays. If the leaders along with the journalists had integrity and honesty, Nepal would not be in this condition today. #Letmycountryrebuild
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Aadarsha Kaini
Happy new year Farcaster!
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Aadarsha Kaini
Hi new here! Cant wait to become a DEGEN!
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