a16zcrypto pfp
Explain cc0 to someone new to NFTs ↓
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Shreyas πŸ’œ pfp
Shreyas πŸ’œ
You know how you’ve seen multiple versions of Sherlock Holmes that’s because the character is open domain and people don’t get sued to use that. Similarly, CC0 is when anyone can use an NFT artwork without getting sued by the creator or owner and without asking for permission before doing so.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
It's when, as a creator, you say: "No, seriously – please *do* copy my digital art! Sell it! Share it!" 🀝 But how, you might ask, does this benefit the creator? A: You are helping them to distribute! And this is often more valuable than extracting exclusive profits.
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🎩 MxVoid 🎩 pfp
🎩 MxVoid 🎩
Simple. It’s IP explicitly dedicated to the public domain, so anyone can use it without restriction. CC0 is a popular option in NFTs because it maximizes meme-ability and creates a free and open cultural commons that can facilitate the formation of digital communities and identities.
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Emily pfp
Its emojis for usage rights
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