Content pfp
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7vn🎭 pfp
/co airdrop
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ed1t pfp
You have received an airdrop of 39040 $CO. Your new /co balance: 1048020 $CO.
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Skidrow  🎭↑✪ pfp
Skidrow 🎭↑✪
Each year, my students and I tag the quotable, the tattoo-able, and the indelible. 🎭 ✪de
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Jaxi 🎭✪ pfp
Jaxi 🎭✪
“🎭Every native everywhere lives a life of overwhelming and crushing banality and boredom and desperation and depression, and every deed, good and bad, is an attempt to forget this.”🎭VV
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Pcha 🎭✪ pfp
Pcha 🎭✪
DDZ“🎭Every native everywhere lives a life of overwhelming and crushing banality and boredom and desperation and depression, and every deed, good and bad, is an attempt to forget this.”🎭
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Pye 🎭 pfp
Pye 🎭
“🎭Every native everywhere lives a life of overwhelming and crushing banality and boredom and desperation and depression, and every deed, good and bad, is an attempt to forget this.”🎭VWS
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Pa0n 🎭✪ pfp
Pa0n 🎭✪
🎭Maybe life doesn’t get any better than this, or any worse, and what we get is just what we’re willing to find: small wonders where they grow.”ED
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Chelci🎭 pfp
🎭Maybe life doesn’t get any better than this, or any worse, and what we get is just what we’re willing to find: small wonders where they grow.”WSG
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Charrlee 🎭 pfp
Charrlee 🎭
🎭✪I came to hate the complainers, with their dry and crumbly lipsticks and their wrinkled rage and their stupid, flaccid, old-people sun hats with brims the breadth of Saturn’s rings.”DR
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Caty 🎭 pfp
Caty 🎭
And maybe I tried with too much mettle — my lines might have mentioned the “Latin gusto” of her calves and hips in motion, and how the small blond hairs of her nape quelled my fear of becoming a “non crooning castrato” — because not four days after I posted the letter she arrived at the prison wearing an orange autumn dress, the strapless kind that could reverse a vasectomy.”🎭↑✪ DHNY
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Caty 🎭 pfp
Caty 🎭
DAnd maybe I tried with too much mettle — my lines might have mentioned the “Latin gusto” of her calves and hips in motion, and how the small blond hairs of her nape quelled my fear of becoming a “non crooning castrato” — because not four days after I posted the letter she arrived at the prison wearing an orange autumn dress, the strapless kind that could reverse a vasectomy.”🎭↑✪
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Chece 🎭 pfp
Chece 🎭
And maybe I tried with too much mettle — my lines might have mentioned the “Latin gusto” of her calves and hips in motion, and how the small blond hairs of her nape quelled my fear of becoming a “non crooning castrato” — because not four days after I posted the letter she arrived at the prison wearing an orange autumn dress, the strapless kind that could reverse a vasectomy.”🎭↑✪ SSF
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Cindy 🎭 pfp
Cindy 🎭
And maybe I tried with too much mettle — my lines might have mentioned the “Latin gusto” of her calves and hips in motion, and how the small blond hairs of her nape quelled my fear of becoming a “non crooning castrato” — because not four days after I posted the letter she arrived at the prison wearing an orange autumn dress, the strapless kind that could reverse a vasectomy.”🎭↑✪ AW
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Chl0ne 🎭 pfp
Chl0ne 🎭
🎭↑✪Each of her soothing utterances battered me more grievously than the last—as if I were traveling in a perverse ambulance whose function was to collect a healthy man and steadily damage him in readiness for the hospital at which a final and terrible injury would be inflicted.”FHTAS
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Che0 🎭 pfp
Che0 🎭
🎭 “What I saw made me want to fell the highest spruce and watch it tip over and fall with a rush and a crash that echoed through the valley and trim it myself in record time and strip it clean myself without stopping even though that was the hardest thing to do and drag it to the river bank with my bare hands an d my own back with neither horse nor man to help me and heave it into the water with the strength I suddenly knew I had, and the splash and the spray would rise as high as a house in Oslo.”
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Che0 🎭 pfp
Che0 🎭
🎭“What I saw made me want to fell the highest spruce and watch it tip over and fall with a rush and a crash that echoed through the valley and trim it myself in record time and strip it clean myself without stopping even though that was the hardest thing to do and drag it to the river bank with my bare hands and my own back with neither horse nor man to help me and heave it into the water with the strength I suddenly knew I had, and the splash and the spray would rise as high as a house in Oslo.”
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Cohaf 🎭 pfp
Cohaf 🎭
🎭“What I saw made me want to fell the highest spruce and watch it tip over and fall with a rush and a crash that echoed through the valley and trim it myself in rec ord time and strip it clean myself without stopping even though that was the hardest thing to do and drag it to the river bank with my bare hands and my own back with neither horse nor man to help me and heave it into the water with the strength I suddenly knew I had, and the splash and the spray would rise as high as a house in Oslo.”
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Cpan 🎭 pfp
Cpan 🎭
🎭“As she picked up her shoes from the closet and tiptoed from the room, she felt, for a vertiginous moment, an unlawful excitement.” VVED
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