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All Quiet on the Western Front Remarque shows in livid detail how bad war is for a soldier. Synopsis: I’m excited for war, but wait, actually it’s bad. Bad bad bad bad bad. Miserable. Bad bad bad. Grotesque. Bad. Crippling. Bad. Bad. Bad. We eat a stolen goose! Bad. All my friends are dead. It’s an unflinching rendition of what has since become a familiar pattern: wide eyed boy ships out eager and then discovers through extensive firsthand misery that death and pain flavor his war experience much more than glory and adventure. But it’s mostly a one note symphony. It ignores that some moments might be exciting or meaningful (see War by Sebastian Junger) and it doesn’t plumb the emotional depths of its protagonist in interesting ways like Red Badge of Courage does. It runs its protagonist through a gauntlet of traumatic experiences and leaves the reader to imagine the resulting feelings. More realistic than its ancestors? Yes. But not all it’s cracked up to be and since outpaced. Three stars.
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