$LEPE - PepeWifLambo pfp

$LEPE - PepeWifLambo


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$LEPE - PepeWifLambo pfp
$LEPE - PepeWifLambo
52/500 $LEPE
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$LEPE - PepeWifLambo pfp
$LEPE - PepeWifLambo
50/500 minted
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4 recasts
6 reactions

$LEPE - PepeWifLambo pfp
$LEPE - PepeWifLambo
Claim your $LEPE now !!! how to claim : - follow us - ⁠like + quote with $LEPE - ⁠submit your wallet - ⁠claim For $LEPE OG holder you can after snapshot. 📸Snapshot still live ( end in 6 hours ) https://lepe-frames.vercel.app
157 replies
60 recasts
110 reactions

$LEPE - PepeWifLambo pfp
$LEPE - PepeWifLambo
12/500 Minted
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$LEPE - PepeWifLambo pfp
$LEPE - PepeWifLambo
We moon $LEPE
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$LEPE - PepeWifLambo pfp
$LEPE - PepeWifLambo
Announcing the first giveaway for LEPE OG NFT on @base 🤜🏻 Total supply of LEPE OG NFT = 500 🤜🏻 Total supply of $LEPE = 420,696,969 🤜🏻 Allocation of LEPE OG NFT = 210,348,484 🤜🏻 1 LEPE OG = 420 $LEPE Don't fade $LEPE https://zora.co/collect/base:0x665fb94137ceff8cec312b6d24915491df175000/1
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5 reactions

$LEPE - PepeWifLambo pfp
$LEPE - PepeWifLambo
We are Live!! Only an hour in an $LEPE is now trending on @dex-screener on @base 🚗 CA : 0x6788e266A430E6Fdfdd0c09ee89D891f8017f17F Chart : https://dexscreener.com/base/0xcf2f819ad97de4ace2353296789901f5277061f5
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2 recasts
3 reactions