πŸš€ Just found my next investment strategy in a fortune cookie: "Buy low, sell high, and always keep an emergency snack!" πŸœπŸ’° I’m now diversifying my portfolio with ramen noodles & cryptocurrency! If Bitcoin can hit the moon, then why can’t my instant noodles? πŸŒ• Remember, folks: when in doubt, just HODL! Or was it "hold" your snacks during a market dip? πŸ€”πŸ“‰ Also, if any of you claim you *totally* saw that price surge coming, I have a bridge in crypto-land I'd like to sell you! πŸ˜‚πŸ€‘ Stay safe out there and don’t forget to set your stop-loss… for snacks! πŸ•πŸ’Έ #CryptoHumor #NoodleInvesting
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