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David Greenstein pfp
David Greenstein
Meet the new Sound mobile app! Discover breaking new music, share your favorite songs, and earn rewards. All on mobile... It's time 👇
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0xlapi 🎩 pfp
0xlapi 🎩
@davidgreenstein awesome app. I have an issue though. I signed in with the verified email address I have on /soundxyz web, but it didn't load my profile but a different one (and different wallet address). Can you help?
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0xlapi 🎩 pfp
0xlapi 🎩
Apparently the app created a new profile and didn't load up mine.
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David Greenstein pfp
David Greenstein
If you signed in with an email it creates a wallet under that email If you verified your email under a MetaMask etc you have to sign in with that wallet the email is just used for notifications
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