Jacob pfp
seeking a referral i want to create a legal entity for @ornamental onchain any lawyers here that know this stuff? i'm an attorney, but not corporate thanks :-)
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Lisa Kolb 🎩🐹 pfp
Lisa Kolb 🎩🐹
@0xjoyce might be able to help with this
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Joyce pfp
@jrf what do you mean by “onchain”? Paper work on chain? Onchain “jurisdiction”? Something else?
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Jacob pfp
thanks, onchain in terms of tokenizing ownership, and also ideally for executing documents with managers and third parties
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Joyce pfp
Not sure if openlaw is still active but maybe that can be instructive for you
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Jacob pfp
yeah, i'm familiar, i think there are so many new laws even in the last few years, i need to map out the options and see where the advantages are, ideally in a conversation
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