Joyce pfp
How do people feel about colleges ditching admissions tests (SATs, ACT)?
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Nick Ducoff pfp
Nick Ducoff
I’m all for colleges finding more equitable means to assess academic merit
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didnt make it pfp
didnt make it
I don’t care. Each school can admit students based on whichever factors they like. The whole system would probably be a lot better if there were a variety of approaches used by different schools, instead of all of them trying to use the same approach.
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Jon 🎩🫂 pfp
Jon 🎩🫂
8/10 Removing standardized testing such as the SAT is actually very good. Standardized testing rewards false merit - it rewards people who game the SAT (or GMAT, LSAT), not those who are the smartest. We want to remove the SATs. We also want something that's better to replace it. The latter is what’s missing.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
10/10 dumb
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𝚣𝚘𝚣 🎩 pfp
𝚣𝚘𝚣 🎩
PoW college
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
the Supreme Court will probably rule race-conscious admissions illegal later this year. this lets certain top schools keep doing it without getting sued
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Chad🎩 pfp
if you pay for enough tutors you can manufacture a strong score - so i can understand it. with that being said, these tests are still the ~best~ way to screen for academic preparedness. there has to be a happy medium.
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matthias pfp
100% on board. They don’t matter. Anecdotal, but instead of AP classes and standardized tests I took the CHSPE exam when I was 16. Graduated early and enrolled at the local community college. Took interesting classes, got college credit without the AP “college workload” lie, and never touched the SAT or ACT.
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