Haniye pfp



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Haniye pfp
BlueOrb #12 - Dawn of The Visionary Crafter Meet BlueOrb #12, The Visionary Crafter. Guardian of the Orb of Insight, it sculpts the Base's future with clarity, illuminating the path for artisans in the digital renaissance https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/15991024
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Haniye pfp
BlueOrb #11 - Dawn of The Blaze Forger Meet BlueOrb #11, The Blaze Forger. Keeper of the Orb of Creation, it kindles the fires of innovation, forging new realities within the Base, a beacon to pioneers of the digital frontier. https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/10785008
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Haniye pfp
BlueOrb #10 - Dawn of The Terra Protector Meet BlueOrb #10, The Terra Protector. Custodian of the Orb of Essence, it stands firm, grounding the Base in the rich soil of reality, a bulwark against the chaos of the digital storm. https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/9111792
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Haniye pfp
BlueOrb #08 - Dawn of The Aether Warrior Meet The Aether Warrior, BlueOrb #08. Sentinel of the unseen, it commands the Orb of Mysteries, guiding the Base through the enigmatic ether of uncharted realms https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/6648048
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Haniye pfp
BlueOrb #07 - Dawn of The Chrono Guardian Meet The Chrono Guardian, BlueOrb #07 . Harbinger of continuity, it holds the Orb of Epochs, a beacon through the currents of time, steadying the Base against the tides of change. https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/8005872
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Haniye pfp
BlueOrb #06 - Dawn of the Quantum Knight Meet The Quantum Knight, BlueOrb #06. Wielder of the Orb of Insight, it peers into the fabric of reality, revealing secrets of the Base, a beacon to those navigating the quantum enigma https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/5525744
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Haniye pfp
BlueOrb #05 - Dawn of the Cosmic Sentinel Meet The Cosmic Sentinel, BlueOrb #05. Bearing the Orb of Infinity, it stands watch over the Base, unveiling the endless possibilities of the cosmos to those who seek beyond the stars. https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/3498224
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Haniye pfp
BlueOrb #04 - Dawn of the Techno Seer Meet The Techno Seer , BlueOrb #04 . Holder of the Orb of Clarity, it navigates the Base’s cryptic networks, shedding light on the obscured, guiding seekers through the labyrinth of code. https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/43248
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Haniye pfp
BlueOrb #03 - Dawn of the Aegis Meet BlueOrb #03, The Mystic Aegis. Guardian of futures, wielding the Orb of Foresight, it pierces the veil of time, guiding the Base through digital destinies. https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/31682800
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Haniye pfp
BlueOrb #02 - Dawn of the Cipher Meet Cipher, BlueOrb #02. Keeper of secrets, Cipher cradles the Orb of Enlightenment, a beacon cutting through the digital fog, illuminating the path for seekers of truth within the Base's core. https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/33224944
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Haniye pfp
BlueOrb #01 - Dawn of the Azura Meet Guardian Azura, BlueOrb #01. Veiled in shadows, Azura holds the Orb of Insight, a beacon in the dark, safeguarding the community with unseen force. Its gaze pierces through deceit, a silent sentinel amidst whispers of the night. https://glass.cx/blueoebs01 Supply=100 Units
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Haniye pfp
Day One: BlueOrb #00 - Dawn of the Zephyr Meet Zephyr the Shade, BlueOrb #00. Guardian of whispers, Zephyr weaves silence into shields, protecting the Base with the orb's calm luminescence. Where shadows speak, Zephyr listens. https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/28291312 Supply=100 Units Like for Mint Access
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Haniye pfp
The BlueOrbs Collection😍 Coming soon to mint here😈 Each one tells a unique story BlueOrbs are 100 unique characters who form the Legions of Base. Each BlueOrb wields a magical Orb that protects the Base and its community.
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Haniye pfp
Hello friends, this is my first post on Farcaster and I'm really excited about this public network!
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