0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
Who's making the first $degen uni fork? Degex, Dexter, Hat Trick, Rabbit Swap...
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0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
i guess there's something out there called rabbit swap but nobody uses
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0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
degenswap is fine too
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Linas 🎩 pfp
Linas 🎩
But is there ETH on L3? I thought there’s only 1 token and it’s Degen
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Coop pfp
Degenswap is the only answer 110% agreed on this idea though 2500 $DEGEN
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Michael 🎩 pfp
Michael 🎩
Hat Trade. Hat swap. Top trade.
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duma0x πŸŽ©β†‘β›“οΈ pfp
duma0x πŸŽ©β†‘β›“οΈ
Need a degen/hat screener so I can view prices of the l3 coins I buy lol
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