Daniel Allan pfp

Daniel Allan


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Daniel Allan pfp
Daniel Allan
Total shot in the dark here but I wanted to do something nice for my parents this year and get them some tickets to the French Open. Does anyone here have a ticket connect/general recs on the experience?
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Daniel Allan pfp
Daniel Allan
How much extra should putting music onchain be in terms of the music itself? Is it as simple as making it a part of a release rollout (eg. uploading to Soundcloud) or should it have a rollout of its own with music that's exclusive only to people on this corner of the internet? Discuss below
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Daniel Allan pfp
Daniel Allan
The internet is really just about reinventing yourself over and over again You have to earn it every.time.
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Daniel Allan pfp
Daniel Allan
Finding myself at an interesting juncture in my career right now On the one hand - things are going well - I have a record that’s competing for the #1 spot at billboard dance At the same time, I don’t feel like I have the freedom to release whatever I want now because of the expectations set by that song 🤔
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Daniel Allan pfp
Daniel Allan
Been wondering how to get more involved in the FC community as an artist. Today I launched an onchain subscription for my next project THROUGH LINE. Subs receive a free edition of every song and share in 25% of the onchain royalties. Check it👇 https://hypersub.withfabric.xyz/collection/through-line-bojxklcj4npc
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Daniel Allan pfp
Daniel Allan
This thing on?
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