✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp

✳️ dcposch on daimo


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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
"you are what you eat." we live in an information glut. you can fill your feed every day with entertaining content perfectly tailored to flatter your existing beliefs, no matter how niche. solution is like any other diet... seek balance, & prioritize real over slop. https://x.com/eyeslasho/status/1815458536698138647
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
very impressive. and what's even more impressive is Polymarket had Biden over 25% to drop out as early as *last september*, when the media herd line right up until the debate was that he was still sharp and any doubts were disinformation. https://x.com/Polymarket/status/1815102945291276676
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
400 USDC for a Spanish app translation. File below is the "before". DM if interested in working on this--looking for a native speaker, not GPTooor! https://github.com/daimo-eth/daimo/pull/1220/files#diff-5e358fdb104f688777821554ade707837fa90bb69b30f808bf87b9626d34b877
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
When I say europe doesn't have free speech, i don't just mean right-leaning speech. here's a palestine supporter getting yoinked for calling someone a "nonce", lol https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1814717125916803241
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
gn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr2xnV_L_fM
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
surprising how little failures seem to matter in trad tech. equifax leaks 100m SSNs? stock down a few precent, news forgotten after a week. crowdstrike pushed an update that blue screened all their customers 911 call centers, airport ticketing computers, azure. stock tanked 10% to levels unseen since last month.
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
Who's putting tokens on ENS? I want, for example, usdc.<tbd>.eth to reliably point to the USDC address. So far I've found tkn.eth , but it looks somewhat abandoned and the owner is an EOA. This is foundational stuff, needs an owner with robust governance & upgrade delay.
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
How do we upgrade or replace eth.limo / eth.link ? Goals: - Load much faster. - Support `url` records. Check out https://app.ens.domains/base.tkn.eth?tab=records ... but https://base.tkn.eth.limo shows an error page. - Short and memorable name. eth.link >> eth.limo on that front.
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
your regular reminder Europe doesn't have free speech. this one's bigger than your average "UK man arrested for facebook comment" story. as always, i'm glad & grateful to live in a land with no illegal opinions 🇺🇸🇺🇸 https://x.com/Martin_Sellner/status/1813146122686218540
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
very interesting thread on tension between platform total engagement and quality. "twitter was better than x.com"
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
Make it true for casting as well & I predict signal to noise improves dramatically.
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
Cooking something great ⚡️ Precommitment: 0xbc7afb863add10de796887b984f333991ea1ea9dac37d9066e99746a1d88c332
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
Pitch for Etherscan: if a contract name ends in "Proxy", automatically click the "is this a proxy?" button for me
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
a compelling offer, @debank best i can do is $3.50
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
google is such a dead player now. i just found out that Sheets has an IMPORTXML function but no IMPORTJSON. big opportunities everywhere.
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
They’ve been consistently early and right. Polymarket had Biden 25% to drop out months ago, while the media sheep herd started talking about it only after last week
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
1) What 2) Why
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
Coinbase Prime is weirdly bad. - They charged us $1000 to sign up - USDC in CBPrime pays 0%, while regular CB pays 5%+ - Doesn't support ENS. In fact, you can't even add a .eth as a label... "wrong format" error. the kicker? it doesn't support Base, lol
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
Decentralized Dinners was a great time at farcon. Coming soon to ethCC:
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
> What people want is to transact value simply and directly, without all this convoluted bullshit! Excited to show you what we’re shipping…
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