keccers pfp



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keccers pfp
Great job, parents of zoomers.
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keccers pfp
Wonder if this is going to be one of those "works everywhere but NYC" things like a lot of crypto was "X Payments delayed after Musk’s X weirdly withdrew application for NY license"
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keccers pfp
To quote @hickle: we are just glad someone else is doing this so everyone can stop asking us to 😆 Not us!!!!
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keccers pfp
I FINALLY went to that place to get the $20 uber bougie smoothie with like liver and colostrum in it While I was waiting for my drink there was this lady there with 2 huge cats in a carrier She said they were “Bengals” I have never seen such huge cats The photo doesn’t do it justice how huge this thing is
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keccers pfp
My Bible app has kept going with visualizing the verse of the day and they are getting really good
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keccers pfp
We are a low class and low integrity people. American Airlines is rolling out a machine that yells at people who cut in line
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keccers pfp
Wait so this allows you to give anon takes and then if enough people like them you can step out of the shadows and be like um hi I wrote that here’s my proof am I understanding that ?? LMAOOOOOOOOO
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keccers pfp
Why don’t people take more inspiration from the lottery in crypto Like why isn’t there a phone app where I can pay $1 USDC for a digital scratcher — could scratch off the ticket “digitally” using cool haptics etc Or even with cost — you guys YOLO in like $100 to coins, it should be able to work way cheaper I would be curious to see a competition where everyone starts with $5 or $10. Whomever makes the most money after 2 weeks using only coins on Clanker wins
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keccers pfp
Recessions are great for memecoins.
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keccers pfp
I am in pain learning this salt is good because the owner of the company has an incorrigible social media presence sigh lol
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keccers pfp
The term ‘obstetrical dilemma’ was coined by Washburn in 1960 to describe the trade-off between selection for a larger birth canal, permitting successful passage of a big-brained human neonate, and the smaller pelvic dimensions required for bipedal locomotion. His suggested solution to these antagonistic pressures was to give birth prematurely, explaining the unusual degree of neurological and physical immaturity, or secondary altriciality, observed in human infants. This proposed trade-off has traditionally been offered as the predominant evolutionary explanation for why human childbirth is so challenging, and inherently risky, compared to that of other primates.
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keccers pfp
It actually can get really blackpilling the more exposure to other stuff you have. I just got a message from someone asking for help to raise $800k for a preventative cancer drug. Not sure of total round size but I guarantee you it's nowhere near 20 million. If this person is successful with their drug it could save lives and even more money by helping avoiding costly cancer treatments..... and he needs so little to do it..... sigh
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keccers pfp
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keccers pfp
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keccers pfp
In case you too want to look at the clown 😂 wasn’t expecting this when reviewing tonight’s workout
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keccers pfp
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keccers pfp
Goodreads API would have been perfect. Alas Before Twitter turned into a hellscape I got interviewed by the NYT because I had a bot that auto posted all books i completed to my twitter
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keccers pfp
I’ll tell you one thing I finally deleted Twitter. Too much noise (example pictured) too little signal
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keccers pfp
For founders in more or less any other industry this would be a massive windfall. I truly am undereducated I don’t see how these round sizes are justified (is it really token warrants driving this) and look forward to the piece
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keccers pfp
They gave me the money. The PARTY released the funds and gave me the $$$. And they have been just sitting there ever since. I met with a used car guy and discussed budget and what I could buy with that budget. I told him I will match what was raised with my own savings and I plan to stick with that. I have a list of makes and models. And then promptly proceeded to go out of town most weekends after. I am back now but leaving again, and have not done my homework. @anisha texts me like 1x week to remind me. You have allies you don’t even know who want to see this realized to the end. There are other relevant notes here with my own personal finances but really there’s no excuse and I am dragging my feet. You guys empowered me to do this myself which has some ups and downs. I have never owned a car in my life or for that matter even ever driven in a car alone despite being licensed 💀 I actually am struggling with this a lot despite knowing it will improve my QoL
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