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mizu.base.eth 🐕


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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
📢 Exciting update 77 members have surpassed 100 days in channel streak, and 43 members have exceeded 200 days 👏 The /diet channel remains lively, with many fun conversations still happening. Thank you all for your dedication to your diet journey 💙 チャンネルストリヌク 100日を超えたメンバヌは77名、200日を超えたメンバヌは43名 になりたした✚ い぀も、0カロリヌを頑匵る皆さん、本圓にありがずうございたす0⃣
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
Thanks for sharing the photo celebrating the 1st anniversary🎂✚ @nato-san, you've been supporting this channel since the early days. Appreciate that you still enjoy it now🩵 今日の梅掻✚ nato-san、初期から /diet を応揎いただきありがずうございたす🌞 関西のみんな〜出おおいで〜
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub I post about my small Shiba Inu, my beloved dog🐕
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mizu.base.eth 🐕
Thank you for celebrating our 1st anniversary with such a beautiful AI-generated creative piece🎉 I'm also grateful for your continued support in /diet since the early days. @tenten33 's homemade dishes always look amazing, and I look forward to your daily casts! 本日の桜掻🌞 1幎蚘念のお祝いありがずうございたす🩵
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
A beautiful creative piece was designed just for /diet to celebrate our 1st anniversary🎂 Seeing my favorite strawberry cake in it made me so happy🍓 Thank you, @azzurro , for this lovely surprise🎉 今日のベリ掻🫐 1幎蚘念のお祝いありがずうございたす🩵
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mizu.base.eth 🐕
@kajirimushi manages the /diet channel data and creates follower snapshots 📞 Super active and buzzing! 本日も、健康キャンセル界隈頑匵りたしょう🍜✚🐛
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mizu.base.eth 🐕
Walking the dog on a snowy day ❄🐟 on @rodeodotclub
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
Our /diet channel has finally surpassed 4,000 followers 🎉 As a result of the vote, our channel description has been decided as follows ✹ "Share your favorite meals, recipes, and your active lifestyle." Thank you to everyone who participated in the vote! Please continue to enjoy dieting with us ☺ チャンネル説明文が決定したした✚ みなさん、投祚ありがずうございたした🌞
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
Got these Shiba Inu and dog-themed gifts... Wait, was there a cat too? さお、どれから開けようかな・・・🐕
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
/diet Channel's Fitness Challenge🏃💚 You can enter from the original cast! 🏃‍♂ Take on the running app record challenge📱 🎁 Amazing prizes are up for grabs, so join from the original cast✹ ダむ゚ット運動䌁画始たっおいたす🏋 匕甚元よりご参加ください↓ @pikiro 雪が降っおも、毎日お散歩しおるから激痩せ間違いなし🐕
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mizu.base.eth 🐕
Shiba Inu's first time with a corn toy🌜 on @rodeodotclub
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mizu.base.eth 🐕
🎚 Illustration Contest (No AI Art) You can apply from the original cast 🎉 🎁 豪華景品のチャンス • 商甚利甚可デヌタ • Amazonギフト刞 などが ※詳しくは、匕甚元に 既に応募倚数で、リプ欄めちゃくちゃ盛り䞊がっおたす↓
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
How about this blooper shot? 📞 今日のダむ゚ットは、テニスボヌル🎟 ちょっず犬感でちゃいたした・・・🐕 https://warpcast.com/mizu/0x92714cc4
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
She's crazy about her tennis ball! Got her a corn treat toy for the first time. 🌜🎟🐶 倧奜きなテニスボヌルず、倧奜きなトりモロコシのおもちゃ初挑戊
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mizu.base.eth 🐕
Yay🎉 My friend got selected as a finalist for the AI Design Award! Looks like they’ve been invited to Barcelona! Huge congrats! @utxo-ai- ねもさん、おめでずうございたす✚ 凄すぎる〜👏
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
💭 Check out this poll Our /diet channel just surpassed 4K followers 🎉 Which description best fits the channel? 1, 2, 3, or 4? ぎったりのチャンネル説明文を〜の数字から遞んでクリックしおね♡ 1. Explore trending foods, seasonal flavors, and fitness tips. ➡ トレンドの食べ物、季節の味芚、フィットネスのヒントを楜しもう 2. Share your favorite meals, recipes, and your active lifestyle. ➡ お気に入りの食事やレシピ、アクティブなラむフスタむルをシェアしよう 3. A global community for foodies and fitness lovers. ➡ 食べるのが奜きな人も、運動が奜きな人も集たるグロヌバルコミュニティ 4. From sushi to sports, enjoy both food and fitness together. ➡ 寿叞からスポヌツたで、䞀緒に食事ず運動を楜しもう
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
I love my dog and cherry blossoms🌞 Springtime in Japan makes me feel so happy. My friend made a video that features cherry blossom artwork, and it fills me with absolute joy 🌞🐕 @ryoryo-tei.eth
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
My Shiba Inu from above
 🐕 on @rodeodotclub
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
Today's Diet 🌞✚ If you spot someone grinning over a sakura tumbler at Starbucks
 yep, that’s me! 吉野家で桜のタンブラヌを手にしおニダニダしおるや぀おったら、それワシや
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
In Japan, Starbucks sells sakura-themed products for a limited time 🌞 Since they are extremely popular, many items sell out immediately on release day. I was lucky to get a sakura tumbler🥀✚ Not only drinks and food, but even paper bags, cups, and coasters are all sakura-themed, which makes the whole experience even more delightful☕💕 吉野家ゲット🌞 https://warpcast.com/mizu/0xc483053b
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