Eduard🌹 pfp



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Eduard🌹 pfp
I didn't know what the best choice was to start with Mismir & feeling constrained by many aspects, I've decided to begin with an NFT that can later be burned to redeem a physical piece. This way, I can create something sustainable for myself, you & the industry itself🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Even in our perceived mistakes, there is a hidden light. A choice we make only becomes regrettable if we let it. What seems to be a setback today may turn out to be tomorrow's unexpected blessing🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
“AI cannot replace human creativity and idea generation, but it may be the greatest supplement to the human brain ever discovered.” – Vitaly Pecherskiy🌹:
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Just earned DRIP creating this video on @drakula
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Redefining the way we engage with & perceive fashion & the relationships we have with one another - Mismir's aim Mismir's main motto is 'Redefining Horizons' as this is exactly what I desire to do, not just in fashion, but also in life itself. That's why I don't want to confine Mismir to just being a fashion brand🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
If you make a bad choice, don’t dwell on it. Take the lesson, and move on. There's always something else to do, something that we often fail to see because we're focused on the mistake we've made. Broaden your horizons, redefine them!🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
"Every moment is a fresh beginning." — T.S. Eliot🌹:
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Just earned DRIP creating this video on @drakula
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Eduard🌹 pfp
If there is one thing I am advocating for, it is genuine collaboration between humans. I believe that this is the pathway to creating a better society. By making co-creation the core of /mismir , I aim to inspire people to work together and open their hearts and others' to the beauty and benefits of collaboration🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
We need to understand that each of us plays a unique role in this ecosystem. By acknowledging this, we can begin to appreciate and respect each other more Mutual respect and appreciation have never been more important than they are now. We must recognize that every voice contributes greatly to this ecosystem🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." - Alexander Graham Bell🌹:
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Just earned DRIP creating this video on @drakula
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Eduard🌹 pfp
We are surrounded by a plethora of opportunities. Each day, there is something new and potentially more enriching in the short term than what we are currently doing And yet, we choose to stick to what we are doing, to follow the path we’ve embarked on This is what “focus” means to me🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
9 people have already joined me on my journey with Mismir. I am so grateful for them and their faith in what I am attempting to bring to life. The Archway is where you can join them and enrich Mismir's community with your beautiful soul! Thank you!🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
"When you have once seen the glow of happiness on the face of a beloved person, you know that a little candle has been lit, however cloudy things may appear." - Alice von Hildebrand🌹:
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Just earned DRIP creating this video on @drakula
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Eduard🌹 pfp
I’ve never been a fan of roadmaps as I believe they can overly limit a brand's growth and personality. With /mismir for example, I have certain creative aspirations and destinations in mind, but I prefer not to confine my brand to a rigid roadmap. I see potential beyond the constraints of a predefined plan🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
We've all been avid fans of fashion brands, faithfully purchasing and advocating for their garments and products Yet, it often feels like a one-way street, with us giving but receiving little in return What if our loyalty was met with appreciation? What if there was a true balance between giving and receiving?🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
Rather than trying to mold yourself to fit in a new place, mold that place to reflect who you are🌹
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Eduard🌹 pfp
"Beginnings are often disguised as painful endings." - Lao Tzu🌹:
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