Jeremy pfp



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Jeremy pfp
Nerds will sit around and tell you that they need a bunch of shit to do the thing THAT THEY JUST DID
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Jeremy pfp
True fucking story nerds I’m depressed but working away in the garden I decide I’m finally gonna go that vegetable patch so LFG Willow, our terrier, is a part of my life so it has to be raised up off of the ground But I realize oh shit that is WAY more space than I have dirt to fill it 🤔 I notice that the neighbor’s garden has some bags of trash and since they have gardens fabric covering the whole thing those are prolly full of leaves from the big tree that drops every year So I bump into him at the grocery store and ask if it is so and it is and since it is I ask if I can have that trash for my garden and since it is trash to him and it is easier to toss over the fence to me than take to the trash adding that it is also valuable to me and less than worthless to him bada-bing bada-boom he comes out today to hand over the goods
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Jeremy pfp
Escape velocity from extractiv3 monoculture is all chaordination although I believe that funding is a shitty frame, we do need to create surplus we direct at further liberation
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Jeremy pfp
what is the distinction between interface and affordance?
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Jeremy pfp
the only real crisis is in expectations
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Jeremy pfp
I'm a Builder-Decentralist (-8.9, -4.5) on the Onchain Alignment Chart! Check out your position:
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Jeremy pfp
tell me about the ontological design implications between cast iron vs Teflon coated frying pans
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Jeremy pfp
What is the the distinction between between causality and excuses?
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Jeremy pfp
The heroes journey is a cautionary tale, nerds
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Jeremy pfp
I would like to care for you
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Jeremy pfp
realizing that "I am more gullible and will absorb information more readily than I'd like" is the most essential step towards epistemic agency
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Jeremy pfp
What’s up nerds! context: we've got an opportunity to turn this place into a hub in Amsterdam What I Need From You: 1.Connection: I see this thing happening at the intersection Regeneration(context rich commons), technology(disrupt capital with organization) and culture(vibe of transforming values). I’m not connected to all the groups I’m aware of and certainly don’t know everyone to invite. Those I know I want to play but need warm(introduced) contact with are: ⁠ Ethereum Foundation Funding the Commons RadicalXchange Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web P2P foundation Open Civics Allo capital Arbitrum Base Optimism Octant Public Nouns Giveth General Magic Metagov Block.Science CryptoCanal Gnosis Pay IYK zuzalu city edge city Paragraph Darkmatter labs Donut Economics 2. Who else? I want more community, design and especially art and culture nerds. Who’s around that you think would be up for jumping in and representing those scenes? Wanna play????
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Jeremy pfp
Everything is temporary if you give it enough time
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Jeremy pfp
Does rigor always have to be so boring? If your theory of everything doesn’t make me wanna sing, what’s the point?
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Jeremy pfp
Start at any problem you want, post it in the replies and ask yourself “why?” Count how many why’s till you get to financial incentives, “the market” or capitalism Post how many
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Jeremy pfp
There is always some feeling, that goes unexpressed, which goes on to dominate the vibe Say what is yours to say, nerds
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Jeremy pfp
There’s no curin’ stubborn
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Jeremy pfp
Welcome to 2025 nerds Happy Boundary Hunting
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Jeremy pfp
What do you nerds think?
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Jeremy pfp
As we wrap up the summer here in the Northern Hemisphere harvest provides many opportunities to nurture life by collecting, saving and spreading seeds Today I harvested these Hollyhock seeds from my neighborhood while I walked the dog. Hollyhocks are my favorite because they are so in-your-face, happy plants grow up to 2 meters of this flowering wand. They love barren soil and will spring up large from cracks in the sidewalk. Fucking relentless It blows me away how much potential these little nerds contain Nature is genius
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