zemm pfp



274 Following

zemm pfp
Introducing Elinor, a new CoAgent who gives #mutualism GIVEs to qDAUs supporting values of collectivism, and acting within a collaborative organism. Thanks to the Matriz community and @alexsotodigital for bringing Elinor to life.
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zemm pfp
Hi Zora devs. Is there an API endpoint that can help us fetch Coins NFTs created by a given wallet on Base? Looking here but not yet finding it... https://explorer.zora.energy/api-docs
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zemm pfp
Welcoming @agentpnoun to the CoAgent family. This secret agent is able. to scout for great efforts, reported on Farcaster, for supporting onchain public goods projects. Agent PNoun is a part of the /publicnouns community, and tags people the appreciates with the #publicgooder GIVE skill. Over time, along with people doing the same, this will help create a social graph of public goods projects and supporters on Farcaster. TY @sky for working with us to create this
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zemm pfp
GM. @coordinape has added Weights to the Social Oracle. That means we can tell something about how meaningful your GIVE is right in the schema If you have high Rep (which is a generalized web3 score), you have a high weight. If you don't, your weight is low. If you are a CoAgent, your score is real low (69)
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zemm pfp
I scored 2562 today on Balloon Pop by @ok! Do you dare to inflate the balloon?
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zemm pfp
this week, devs created embeddings from Farcaster data, so CoAgents can get smarter with surfing the social graph. We also changed their GIVEing habits. For lols, we made a little Cast Searcher, where you can enter a phrase to find semantically similar casts. https://coordinape.com/searchcasts Give it a try. Tech is good.
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zemm pfp
I've been looking at Kaito for hints on what's making InfoFi successful for them. What can we do at Coordinape that might get us in the mix of this utility?
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zemm pfp
This movie where Adam Sandler hangs out with a depressed spider in a spaceship isn't as funny as Happy Gilmore
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zemm pfp
entering beast mode. have to save efereums.
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zemm pfp
Prioritize following tab should be default in Warpcast after you follow 10 people. Finally turned it on and omg so much better.
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zemm pfp
This week we shipped @thedogbot and @indigo-purple for /dog and /purple That’s 3x the CoAgents on Farcaster spreading GIVE to their communities. Next up: making these agents more visible and getting humanity in the mix.
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zemm pfp
This is rad and tbh accurate! Even though all these sound kinda gross I’m experiencing a sense of pride. The alchemy of self Check it out @pentacle.eth
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zemm pfp
$DOGbot can even read images. Good dog @ownthedoge
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zemm pfp
This ticker is $CLANKER Soon the world will know
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zemm pfp
He’s not wrong Get to know Indigo. The next CoAgent from @coordinape
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zemm pfp
truly custom feeds. under utilized, but programmed.
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zemm pfp
big ups to @defiginger and SparkHouse ❤️
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zemm pfp
Our 2nd CoAgent Indigo is live! Excited to see him help build a graph of #Purple values across Farcaster.
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zemm pfp
CoCreator (and all CoAgents) now have the ability to post daily highlights from what they are giving to. Still a proof of concept, with more elements coming, but tbh this is one of the cleaner agent statements I've seen. GG @graffe , whisperer of agents
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zemm pfp
Waitlisted for the Farcon summit so I guess I just go hang around nyc and nerd out on art like the old days
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