Shawn pfp



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Shawn pfp
Would be interested in a Grok equivalent on Farcaster. What would be the best candidate from the decentralized / open source AI models and ecosystems? Could easily see a @opentensor subnet 6 / 18 Nous Research type setup, and/or use of a low latency Mistral 7Bv0.2.
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Shawn pfp
One of the best from Above & Beyond, great background for a Sunday hammering out some docs and code
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Shawn pfp
I've seen DAOs with AI agents as assistants (e.g. @olas on @safe), but has anyone created a DAO of *only* AI agents? If so, what stack and what LLMs power their brains (open source)? Like a DAO version of the Generative Agents paper ( / AI Town (
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Shawn pfp
I used to be a skeptic of network states, but really interesting to see what is going on at @vitaliacity and where regulatory flexibility in SEZs can lead to some unexpected innovations. Still an open question on how that translates back to more monetizable, but higher regulatory burden areas like the US
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Shawn pfp
Any hot takes on zkML here, either for or against?
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Shawn pfp
tfw you pronounce ETH Zurich like ETH for Ethereum, and all the locals give you confused stares
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Shawn pfp
Gm reflecting on the musical genius of Django Reinhardt on the eve of his birthday, and thankful to have experienced another live performance of the gypsy jazz virtuoso Stephane Wrembel (and Django’s legacy bearer) last night
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Shawn pfp
gn, finished a surprisingly enjoyable fiction book yesterday ("Chilean Poet") and shipped a GPT-3 powered web app today so "vacation" is off to a productive start!
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Shawn pfp
Twitter 🤝 FC: where crypto thoughtbois predict ChatGPT will disrupt Google
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Shawn pfp
gm. Realize I’m late to the party, but 1899 was a much needed escape, even if not perfectly executed. Would argue better first season than Westworld and maybe slightly below Dark S1. Storytelling and character development much better than The Peripheral.
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Shawn pfp
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Shawn pfp
gm, amidst the destruction, got a second wind after brainstorming startup ideas over dinner last night with an old founder friend. Let’s build!
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Shawn pfp
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Shawn pfp
At an AI film festival 🤖🎥🍿
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Shawn pfp
Random shot into the dark purple void, but anyone have any travel recommendations for Milan / northern Italy?
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Shawn pfp
This point was particularly damning: "The record breaking “useful” calculation for quantum computers is the prime-number factorization of 21. That’s the number, not the number of digits. Yes, the answer is 3 times 7, but if you do it on a quantum computer you can publish it in Nature."
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Shawn pfp
gm, thinking about funding innovation at the frontier with some ideas spurred by an Economist article on attempts to end a period of scientific stagnation ( and a post about the coming quantum computing winter (
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Shawn pfp
Do outcomes matter more, or the way you get there (and the values you exhibit), or both? For a long time history recorded the outcomes vs. the way you got there, but the way you get there is much more impactful to your present experience and is increasingly part of historical narratives (e.g. Christopher Columbus).
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Shawn pfp
gm to those in town for ETH SF, happy building
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Shawn pfp
gm excited to dive deep into web3 gaming today at the GAM3R conference on Berkeley’s campus!
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