Zora Bome (zBOME) pfp
Zora Bome (zBOME)
The first 100 people to follow @zora bome. likes and recasts will get 675000 zBOME send the address in the comment 💰 💰 💰
17 replies
139 recasts
162 reactions

Based Coin pfp
Based Coin
why didn't I receive it sir? 0xF42257f07e910dFE69bf664C70af13e5159E2cC2
2 replies
0 recast
2 reactions

Zora Bome (zBOME) pfp
Zora Bome (zBOME)
even if you delete previous comments, all data is recorded and cannot be manipulated LOL
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0 recast
0 reaction