zolarlee🎭 pfp



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zolarlee🎭 pfp
Chilling @checkin
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
Masks can be used as a form of artistic expression, allowing individuals to convey different personalities or characters.
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
$FID The First FID20 on HAM - @apex777
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
We're currently in internal testing ... I just won 80 $DEGEN in Gate of Degen! @degengate
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
♻️ @checkin
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
Once upon a time, in a bustling fruit stand, a banana named Bernie loved to slide around on the counter. He'd slip and slide, laughing with glee, until one day, he realized he was getting bruised and battered from all the friction.
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
By embracing Regen Environment, we can create a thriving planet where nature and technology coexist in harmony, ensuring a brighter future for all.
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
Wearing a mask while biking is a crucial safety measure that offers several benefits. Here are some reasons why you should consider wearing a mask on your next bike ride: - Air pollution protection: Masks filter out harmful pollutants and particulate matter from the air, reducing your exposure to poor air quality. - Dust and allergen protection: Masks can help prevent dust and allergens from entering your lungs, making them a great option for riders with respiratory issues. - Cold weather protection: In cold weather, masks can help warm the air before you breathe it in, making your ride more comfortable.
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
Yes @checkin
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
I dint want to be cut of the feed that is what keeps me going ⚡
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
Always Regen your environment ♻️♻️♻️
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
The Little Banana's Big Dream Once upon a time, a small banana named Bernie had a big dream: to travel the world. One day, a strong gust of wind swept Bernie off the fruit stand, and he began his journey. He traveled far and wide, meeting new friends and seeing new places. Eventually, Bernie returned home, realizing that even the smallest of creatures can make a big impact.
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
The Masked Stranger A mysterious figure in a shimmering mask placed a package on a fountain at midnight. The mask glowed, revealing a silver rose. He vanished, leaving behind the rose and a whisper of his presence.🎭
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
Here's an interesting fact about bananas: Bananas are a type of fruit that grows upside down! They grow in clusters at the top of a long stem, and each banana is attached to the stem by a small little stem of its own. As the bananas grow, they naturally turn downwards, which is why they're often seen hanging downwards in trees. This unique growth pattern is known as "pendulous fruiting".
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
The DeGen token, like other cryptocurrencies, is subject to market volatility. Recent trends suggest a decline in value, potentially due to: 1. *Lack of adoption*: Limited real-world use cases and slow adoption rates might be contributing to the decline. 2. *Market saturation*: The cryptocurrency market is highly competitive, and DeGen may be struggling to stand out. 3. *Regulatory uncertainty*: Changes in regulatory environments or legal challenges could be negatively impacting investor confidence. 4. *Investor sentiment*: Negative market sentiment, fear, and panic selling can drive prices down. 5. *Technical analysis*: Chart patterns and technical indicators might be signaling a bearish trend. 6. *Liquidity issues*: Low trading volume or liquidity problems could be contributing to the decline. 7. *Competition from other tokens*: Other tokens or projects may be gaining traction, drawing investment away from DeGen.
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
Is it Good to put on mask ?? Here is your answer to the question - To protect yourself from airborne illnesses like COVID-19, flu, or colds - If you're sick, to prevent spreading your illness to others - In crowded areas, public transportation, or high-risk settings - When traveling to areas with high infection rates - During peak flu seasons or pandemics
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
Mask on 🎭🎭
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
If you are a builder, You can build with our help If you want to support builders, just tip them with $JRI Build together for a better future, Start earning $JRI allowance by casting this frame. Check your stats down below
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zolarlee🎭 pfp
Bananas are a delicious, nutritious, and versatile fruit that are an integral part of many people's daily lives
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