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Fancy Taiwanese pineapple cake packaging
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γγΌγγΌ π
ah yeah, some good ol taiwanese pineapple cake! :) haven't had some in a while, also long overdue to visit TW again last I visited is 2015... how's that even 9 years ago
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i haven't been yet but hear so many good things. what was your fav part about it?
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γγΌγγΌ π
I recommend visiting Taiwan when you get a chance. I've lived in Mainland China, South Korea, and Japan, I live in the latter nowadays -- I personally found Taiwan to be a very interesting blend of elements of China and Japan to a certain degree. I also love traditional Chinese characters (which I started learning first before switching to simplified). My favorite parts about it is the culture, the warmth, hospitality, and friendliness of the people, and the beauty of the landscapes. Yes you see, I need to visit again soon.
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