GIVE Party 1 Week update! Read the paragraph link below, or some highlights here... * 41,000 GIVE via FC * Last Friday, over 8% of FC DAU sent at least one GIVE. * We’ve seen multiple spikes over 60 GIVE per minute. https://paragraph.xyz/@give/coordinapes-giveparty-week-1-in-review
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We've shipped the first iteration of GIVE leaderboards so you can see the basics of GIVE reputation firsthand. We’ve got based ideas for making this simpler and taking the reputation network onchain, where it can become interoperable and collectively owned. https://colinks.coordinape.com/giveboard/DAOLeadership
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The vision is that users can easily leverage the portable onchain reputation they've established with GIVE for social networking and professional growth, targeted incentives or whatever else you can imagine going down with data rich trust and skill scoring on the Superchain.
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Thousands of ppl recieved their first GIVE on FC this week. Others have been in the game for eyars via Gift Circles. If you've sent or received GIVE you may already have a CoSoul NFT - check here: https://app.coordinape.com/cosoul
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Lots more coming. Got feedback? Ideas where to go next? Want to build with us? Jump into the CoDAO discord and lfg. https://discord.gg/Yk7n9KD8uR
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