Zeki Saldoğan pfp

Zeki Saldoğan


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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
Zora announced its acquisition of NFT mint aggregator mint.fun on May 7, according to BlockBeats.
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
How is this work?
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
how to design puzzle
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
The longest cardiac arrest is 4 hours. A Norwegian fell into the sea in December 1987, his heart stopped, and he was revived due to low body temperature.
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
birisiyle beraber uyurken tek uyumanıza göre daha fazla radyasyona maruz kalırsınız
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
There are no books written by Socrates. Those written in the name of Socrates are Plato's rates in the name of Socrates.
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
The sparkle in a child's eyes is the most beautiful sight in the world.
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
How can I make a lighter like this?
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
The officer said to the married couple, "Do not compare your marriages with other people's marriages, do not be deceived by fairy tales because they are not real, do not look for perfection, none of us are perfect, do not question each other's past, do not expect your spouse to read your
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
10 great suggestions for those who say they can't find the time to watch the series; 1)Wire - 9.3 2)Mad Men - 8.6 3)Fleabag - 8.7 4)Americans - 8.4 5) Inheritance - 8.7 6) Mysterious - 9.1 7)Ted Lasso - 8.8 8)1883 - 8.8 9)Seniority - 8.7 10) Euphoria - 8.4
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
I cannot applaud cruelty, I can never love the oppressor; I can not swear to enjoy up from the past.
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
If you have enough to eat, A roof over your head and a roof, If you do not serve human beings, If your livelihood is not at someone else's expense, Okay, you're in for some sunny days. - Omar Khayyam
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
I leave you with a very impressive movie, I recommend you to watch it. L'événement (2021) IMDb: 7.4
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
The golden information you will hear about lemon for the first time; The acid found in lemon kills the bacteria in the seat. If you apply lemon on the sofa, it will eliminate the odor, it is both natural and harmless.
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
Göztepe returned to the Super League after 2 years and lifted the championship cup.
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
I'm a Ronaldo player, what's your choice?
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
This Week on Zora + Create for free on all networks + Airdropped mints are auto hidden + Notifications when your Splits have been minted + Mute users and mints + Click to view in full screen on mint pages + Universal nav bar + Mint Fun platform joins Zora
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
How are you guys
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
What is your btc bull target?
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Zeki Saldoğan pfp
Zeki Saldoğan
What do you think about study room design?
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