Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
Finally decided to do a mini-series on the Anti-money laundering (AML) regulations + KYC. This will be the first cast going over high-level regs + some examples to understand basics
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
I was an independent auditor for AML + Sanctions regimes across a litany of entities such as small farm banks, international FinTechs, Crypto companies, and large regional banking firms. I have seen every type of program you will encounter and done it across different countries. aka I know what I am talking about
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netop://ウエハ pfp
Wow, what a comprehensive thread. In summation, if I want to do something that requires KYC, I hire someone like you. What a headache.
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Crovv | Acting Director of GOCA pfp
Crovv | Acting Director of GOCA
I use to work at a casino and usually had couple people get flagged by FINTRAC every one and then. But pretty sure most of them got away as they knew how to play the game, they were not stupid.
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ukstv pfp
Apart the basics, how do you think the flywheel of redtape could actually benefit from signatures, smart contracts, ZK and such?
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Adam pfp
Still thinking about this days later 500 $degen for the quality breakdown
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