Zeen Train  pfp

Zeen Train


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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
Thread to talk about tidbits I found interesting
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
Clearing cache and cookies is an admission of failure
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
Books I read in Q2
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
Recently found a book collection app a la Obsidian, focused on preserving your library and data https://bookov.app/?ref=producthunt I have been looking for a product to leave GoodReads for, this seems like a good competitor
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
Some articles and thoughts
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
A shame to read this but not surprising, qualified custody status is not a good product differentiation at this point https://www.theblock.co/post/299128/crypto-custodian-bakkt-is-considering-a-potential-sale-or-break-up-report
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
Exciting to finally see some M&A in Crypto, something that hasn't been given enough thought https://www.theblock.co/post/299366/uniswap-labs-acquires-crypto-the-game-ahead-of-its-third-season
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
I have found hermeneutics and I fear I may not recover
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
The nature of custody tech will push to open source given the requirements of high reliability with security and the nature of the product being high fixed costs and no variable costs
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
GPT 4o is significantly faster, wow
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
"But, of course, gentlemen, you yourself know that the existing order of possession of souls cannot remain unchanged. It is better to abolish serfdom from above than to wait until it begins to abolish by itself from below" - Alexander II
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
I think it is about time for another small thread on AML regimes! Shamelessly plugging my previous post here. https://warpcast.com/zeentrain/0xee391b8f This post is going to be focused on transaction monitoring programs
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
In the next 5 years, if you provide any crypto custody product, you should consider hiring PMs from TradFi custodians
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
Great article on publishing houses and their industry https://www.elysian.press/p/no-one-buys-books
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
Tokens not going up
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
Scored a 30 on the fun test everyone is taking https://s3.amazonaws.com/he-assets-prod/interactives/233_reading_the_mind_through_eyes/Launch.html
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
I have mixed feelings on the non-compete agreement ruling: 1) Small businesses will have more talent poached from large competitors 2) More garden leave + NDA + post facto litigation 3) Large companies will get creative https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
So is post structuralism basically just leaky abstractions for wordcels?
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
Hegel would've been a sick network theorist in 2024
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Zeen Train  pfp
Zeen Train
Cool SDK for translating protocol governance decisions, something that isn't talked about enough but is important for core protocols Only problem is the lack of standards at the protocol level unlike TradFi https://docs.boardroom.io/docs/governance-sdk/f4e6fa31af431-getting-started
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