Zed pfp



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Zed pfp
Founders how do you juggle 9-5 work life, gym, girlfriend and the most important thing - your startup?
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Zed pfp
I’m trying to build an NFT social graph to identify key NFT mints that captured significant attention. Particularly which segment of Warpcast users have it, for example: users with less than 5 casts. Any tips or tricks for using Airstack API? @betashop.eth
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Zed pfp
What are some good Rust frameworks to learn or use for projects?
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Zed pfp
Hey everyone, I built an AI Goal setting app. The vision was to transform life into a game - 3 simple missions/quests everyday. I would love some feedback: https://apps.apple.com/app/id6473788657
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Zed pfp
Would decentralised LLM not be better for humanity, or would it not make a difference?
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Zed pfp
Are there any small LLMs that can run locally on a mobile device?
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