Content pfp
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Zach pfp
chat is this legit
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Dr Creature Phd pfp
Dr Creature Phd
I don’t see anyone wearing a black turtleneck or wearing a hands-free microphone. Probably fake tech.
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eggman 🔵 pfp
eggman 🔵
Man I always feel kinda weird about giving US Tech bros my DNA samples. Jus' feels like something that's gunna bite me in the ass real hard in another decade or two. lil' like the eyeball scanners
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92 pfp
I can't imagine this is really that new, but maybe I'm wrong. I've worked with naturopaths in the past and they've said they could get a spit sample and send it to a lab to get genetic testing done- it's more consistent than a blood test because levels in blood fluctuate. All to say- not sure.
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Vinny pfp
From what I know... not really. Like it's good to have a genome sequence at some point I'm sure but from the little bit I do know, it's up in the air between genomics, proteomics, and we've barely scratched the surface. Even the mental health genome tests are kind of bogus if you look at the data.
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