Zach pfp
Anyone have a good alternative to My Fitness Pal? Probably the most bloated app I have ever used
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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
Unfortunately, there isn't a great one for calorie tracking
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Guy pfp
I like Chronometer
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Chaotic Neutral pfp
Chaotic Neutral
Nothing screams “thirsty” like making the barcode scanner a premium feature. It also screams “delete my app.” MyFitnessPal:
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Rani pfp
yeah just eat in moderation. 🧠
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tvler.eth pfp
If you want to _just_ track weight I highly recommend this great little indie app
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Josh Pigford pfp
Josh Pigford
FoodNoms! Seriously. It’s exactly what you want.
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Abeera Akhtar pfp
Abeera Akhtar
Carb Manager is a decent alternative
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gabe pfp
LoseIt is slightly better
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Adam pfp
Noom is just OK -- imo MFP is your best bet. Def bloated but you can dial it in a little bit in settings and make it manageable.
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naren pfp
Cronometer simply because of micronutrient tracking as well. Still a bit bloated, but better than alternatives
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