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Zach pfp
should I still read thinking fast and slow despite the replication issues
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secondie pfp
No I'll literally summarize it in one cast. Neoclassical models fail to account for irrational decision-making by individual actors. Here are a couple of new models that relax utility-maximization assumptions by including a new variable to capture different ways individuals get "utility" beyond price. Okie ur done
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six — f/arcon ↑ pfp
six — f/arcon ↑
imo no, 2010s pop nonfiction is dead and also not lindy
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greys ↑ pfp
greys ↑
if you want some new naming conventions that can help with mapping behaviors with software in different ways yes. Regardless of “hallucinations” has great observations of human decisioning.
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Leo 🎩🔵 pfp
Leo 🎩🔵
It's good to know about all these biases and meditate on them in your own life. Feel the direction, if not the specifics.
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