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🌹 Zach Harris 🥀 pfp
🌹 Zach Harris 🥀
Guys, crazy shit happened and I almost died last night: – Deer jumped over wall and bolted across road – Car collision detection system activated and took over wheel – To avoid Oak Tree and Stone Wall I turned hard left to not die I am OK. Deer is OK. Pink Floyd is OK. Volvo ≠ OK
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Sui🔮🎩 pfp
You made it. You controlled one of the toughest situation in your life like a champ.
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🌹 Zach Harris 🥀 pfp
🌹 Zach Harris 🥀
If only karma would pay me back my $500 deductible
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Sui🔮🎩 pfp
farcaster next memecoin will pay the bills for you🙌
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