Yung Zo
Start of the work week I had yesterday off for MLK. The company I work for doesn't normally make MLK a company holiday, but this year they did. We took the kids out to experience "The Old Spaghetti Factory". They enjoyed it. We got seated in a Trolly Cart, which was cool and kids were like "omg awesome, what is this?????". Wife and I haven't had spaghetti in such a long time, so this was a treat. We don't consume much carbs except for your daily slice of toast. It's time to get realigned. > Getting back to my mindfullness, weening off of caffeine > Looking to get back under my pre-holiday weight > 70 Pushups in one go > Continue the hard work on freelance/contract work. > Continue the hard work on regular day job. > Make sure to disconnect from work > Dog Training inside the house
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