Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Update #3 I'm sure there will be lulls in productivity and progress, but I think the shift of a "new year" mindset has helped keep the momentum going. Getting use to my morning routine again. Kid's are back in school, meaning I wake up around 6am. I help wake the kids up while my wife gets breakfast ready for them. After that I get my first cup of coffee, wake up a little more, hangout with the kids and chill for a bit. I feed the dogs when the kids start to dress up for school. That's how my day is started. I don't have breakfast until my wife and I get back from dropping the kids off, which is around 8'ish. I lost another pound or so. My optimized eating habits are slowly coming back. I still need to clean up my snacking in between meals, but I don't eat any snacks after dinner/dessert. I still need to cut down on coffee, but my blood pressure readings have been good (normal).
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Dog Training It has progressed really well. I've been working with my two dogs on sit, down, stay, and come here commands. My lab already knows these commands, but is slow to do them. My pit is really picking it up and is food motivated, so she'll do things right away. I focused on getting my pit to do the commands in rapid succession and to hold her "stay" commands. She's doing very good. Tomorrow, if the Santa Ana winds aren't in full effect tomorrow, we'll try to give the dogs a walk and maybe do a longer walk. Walks are harder, but I have to lower my expectations down as it's more so a time for exploring for my pit. TBH, the walks are more for me and my ability to iron out my stress and anxiety from my dogs reactivity. Goals with Dog Training 1. Cleaning up Sit, Down, Stay, Here commands at Home 2. Leash walking, side by side w/ no leading 3. Dog Reactivity 4. Dog Anxiety on Car Rides
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
I'm rolling with this. Things are clicking. I know there will be days where it won't click and days I'll feel like not doing anything. Those are the days that I really feel I need to do something in order to just break out of the funk.
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