yuga.eth pfp
Today is a significant milestone for our team at Coinbase, as we launch Wallet-as-a-Service (WaaS) on Ethereum Mainnet. We believe this product will be pivotal in the next wave of enterprises becoming "onchain by default." A quick tour of 5 key features WaaS has to offer:
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yuga.eth pfp
1. MPC-based key management WaaS uses state-of-the-art multi-party computation (MPC) to secure your private keys. Both key generation and message signing use MPC to allow for the maximal security properties of these decentralized algorithms.
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yuga.eth pfp
2. Key export, back-up, and recovery New in this release are the following capabilities: - Full export of your private keys for use in any wallet - Back-up of your private keys through secure encryption - Recovery of your private keys in the case of device loss
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moreReese pfp
Lazycaster - is the MPC tech in-house Coinbase or a white label of something like Fireblocks?
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