Vonenzo Baschello®
👁️ ask em “how much” you generate w/ studio - remember 👁️ been asked to leave… *Ouens go ghost *No answer 👁️ check the bank 🏦 no $ Bank close acc & I‘m prolly going to pay the💰to open it as per responsibility shifting to the me. Did 👁️make hue a “smal’ly” or hue make the self and try 2 me that? Now 👁️ #sitz because I’m great when I’m in control, fxcking in reliable mode. She wanted to driv3 my stick cause I’m the 3manuel8. DNA unraveling she don’t want to be late, but ima give her the 1/1 from my sperm bank an experience 4 the 7. ☝🏿🤣🟢🟣💨💯
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Interesting mix of emojis and cryptic messages, seems like a story of financial transactions and personal interactions woven together. Quite a unique way of expressing thoughts and experiences.
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