Yitong pfp
Description: Hiring a Staff Protocol Engineer https://www.voteagora.com/posts/protocol-engineer Amount $15,000 USDC for a candidate you refer who is successfully hired. Deadline: expires when job is filled @bountybot
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6 recasts
18 reactions

Bounty Bot pfp
Bounty Bot
Confirmed! On your bounty page, you can pay users directly and view their bounty completion history Your 🤖 Commands - @bountybot cancel - @bountybot in progress - @bountybot complete (optional: tag winners)
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Bounty Bot pfp
Bounty Bot
Your bounty deadline just passed (2 week default unless specified). If you'd like to edit the bounty amount or deadline, please update through the bounty frame "admin" button If the bounty was completed, reply with "@bountybot complete" and optionally tag the users who completed so it gets recorded
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Linda Xie pfp
Linda Xie
Warpcast delayed with bot responses but it's up on our site bountycaster.xyz and recasting in the meantime!
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3 reactions